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Women Peace Builders

The UNSCR 1325, adopted on 31 October 2000 by the Security Council of the UN, reaffirms that women must have an important role in peace-building, peace negotiations, prevention and resolution of conflicts, pointing out the importance of their equal participation and involvement in processes for peace and security. The equal participation of women in decisions and initiatives concerning peace and security is imperative for successful outcomes. Besides social, cultural, and legal barriers, their right to participate in decision-making is often undermined by a negative perception of them and too often they are required to have increased levels of resilience and more achievements to be considered valid.


SEEK and New Women Connectors held series of dialogs with women leaders, peace-builders and human rights defenders to highlight areas necessitating urgent attention to realise WPS agenda. Listen to the stories from the women peace builders and read our report for policy action for inclusion of womens voices in WPS agenda.


For more details on the project, or to collaborate, contact: info@seekresearchnetwork.

Listen to the Stories! 

Women Peace Builders

Women Peace Builders

Women Peace Builders
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Dima Lecture WPS Imatter / NWC

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Seyran WPS Imatter

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Women Peace Builders

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Read the Report

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“To make the change in the ground, civil society and especially women must be part of the decision-making” - Mossarat Qadeem

"If there isn’t a chair for women in the meeting, build that chair, bring your chair to the meeting” Seyran Khalili

“Accepting to cope with the difficult reality is a negative resilience. We are not victims, we are champions” - Fatima Outaleb

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