Video Library

Internet4All: Voices of the Women for Digital Inclusion
What does meaningful access and connectivity look like for migrants and refugees? Listen to the digital changemakers, experts, migrants and refugees to learn how to make the internet work for all.
Womens' voices on meaningful connectivity and access. Follow the stories on our channel #Internet4All
Women Peace and Security
How can we ensure women get equal participation in decision making and processes concerning peace-building, peace negotiations, prevention and resolution of conflicts in order to realise the WPS agenda.
Listen to the insights shared during series of dialogs held by SEEK in collaboration with New Women Connectors and EU-COMAR, with women peace-builders and human-rights defenders
Leading Resilience
What is the relevance of stories in framing the narratives around migrants and refugees, in highlighting the vulnerabilities they face and resilience they demonstrate during integration, and the significance in times of Covid-19. Listen to Umbreen Salim, Managing Director SEEK, sharing her thoughts at the Leading Resilience webinar organized by the New Women Connectors.
Afghan Voices
What does a feminist response to the situation in Afghanistan look like? It means that the women's voices are included in the decisions and choices regarding them. There is a need to share experiences & knowledges to design responses that work best for Afghan women and girls. A collaborative session of SEEK with New Women Connectors on "We Stand with Afghanistan".
Connecting & Counselling
In the second webinar for the series, "We Stand with Afghanistan", SEEK, European Coalition, and New Women Connectors got together with human rights activists and organizations to explore how we can connect Afghan women at risk with support and safe and legal pathways for refugee
Climate Conversations
As part of our Feminist Leadership for Climate Justice Project, this three-part episode series brings shines a light on the work and interest that young people have in the Climate Crisis, and what they do in their lives to make a change.
Whether you’re an activist, researcher, or simply curious, SEEK’s Climate Conversations offers every-day insights and actionable ideas for a more equitable and sustainable future.