Portraits of Power

“Portraits of Power” project is imagined as a decolonial feminist approach to knowledge-sharing
practice that (is epistemically non-violent and) leads to collective liberation. The focus of the
project is young migrant and refugee women, particularly those from underrepresented and
marginalized backgrounds, struggling to overcome taboos in society, and integrate to live a life of
full potential in the Netherlands.
Through our project, we aim to offer a platform to these women so they can tell the stories, in their own words, of their lived and shared experiences and to offer them the tools to raise their voice against their sense of social injustices and exclusion. We aim to shift the gaze of migration discourses towards women’s shifting subjectivities in the process of migration, settling, and integration, while also serving as a bridge with policy-makers by translating their shared stories for effective policy action and responses.
As a part of the project, SEEK is organising “Power Circles”, an online creative retreat for collective learning and knowledge sharing. The theme of the Power Circle is “Navigating Taboos”. The Power Circles will offer interactive creative exercises for encouraging self-reflection and for sharing knowledges, ideas, and perspectives. The call for participation for Power Circles can be accessed here.
Portraits of Power is being realized with the support of Mama Cash, OSUN, and Central European University. To learn more about our collaboration with CEU and OSUN for the project, visit our page: Co-Creating Knowledges.
For more details on the project, or to collaborate, contact: info@seekresearchnetwork.
