SEEK joins UN PCCB Network and participates in Dialogue on Strengthening Youth Capacity!
Series of events

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Series of events
About the event
The goal of the PCCB Network is to foster synergies and enhance coherence and coordination in capacity-building efforts for climate action.
SEEK participated in the UN PCCB Network Webinar - "Dialogue on Strengthening Youth Capacity"! ⠀ The United Nations University Vice-Rectorate in Europe (UNU-VIE) and Impulsouth jointly organised the event through the PCCB Network. The webinar was focused on identifying gaps and challenges in building capacities for youth in climate action. Representatives of youth organizations shared their ideas, as well as difficulties in achieving climate goals. The event's target was to bridge ideas and contacts that can propel forward the discussion on youth participation while collecting new approaches and contributing to finding ways to build capacities for youth on local, national, and international levels.